IOSF Otter Shop
Updated Edition - IOSF Otters of the World (Paul & Grace Yoxon) 2024 - signed
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Updated Edition of "Otters of the World"
written by IOSF's Paul & Grace Yoxon
- The first book to describe all 13 species of otter and illlustrated with full colour photographs of them all!
- Shows the beauty, ecology and fascination of otters in the world but also their plight in many countries.
- Demonstrates the importance of the otter in conservation.
- Provides information on identification, ecology and threats faced in the wild.
- 166 pages of fascinating information, colour photos and distribution maps.
The definitive book for all otter lovers which will also raise funds for, and awareness of, the International Otter Survival Fund and its vital work.
Exclusive - get your signed copy at the IOSF Otter Shop.
Publisher: Whittles Publishing Ltd, KW6 6EG, Scotland, UK (whittlespubishing.com)