Otterly inspirational...

IOSF World Otter Day happens on the last Wednesday of May each year. It is a day to:
It's that all important day of the year for otters when we bring these fascinating animals to notice across the globe and involve as many people as possible. It is the time to show how much you care.
Will you join us?
Your purchases are supporting IOSF...
Charity no SC003875
We want to protect otters so that future generations to come can enjoy one of the world’s most charming, elusive and enjoyable mammals.
The IOSF aims to work with local communities throughout the world to educate, inform and encourage the protection and conservation of otters.
Through a programme of research, the IOSF is one of the world’s foremost authorities on otter behaviour, habitat, persecution and conservation.
We would like to educate people to the benefits of Otters, what healthy populations mean for the environment and dispel myths that are causing Otters to be intentionally disturbed, persecuted and hunted.